Shipping Policy


Orders are shipped within 1-3 business days. Orders placed on weekends or holidays will be processed and shipped on the next business day.

Free Shipping and Estimated Delivery Time

Canada: Free shipping on orders over CA$35.00. Delivery in 3-10 business days.
USA: Free shipping on orders over US$50.00. Delivery in 4-10 business days.
South Korea: Free shipping on orders over ₩80,000. Delivery in 4-10 business days.

We reserve the right to deny free shipping if the delivery fee exceeds our estimated costs. Additional charges may apply for deliveries to Yukon, NWT, Nunavut, certain areas in the USA, and international orders. You will be contacted by email if this applies.

Sales Tax
Orders shipped to Canada will automatically be charged sales tax. Orders to the USA and other international destinations are not charged sales tax.

Shipping & Delivery
We reserve the right to cancel any order at our discretion if it is deemed unreasonable, suspicious, or difficult to handle. Orders will not be processed on weekends and holidays.

We currently only ship to Canada, the USA, and South Korea. For shipments to other countries, please contact us at

Legal Information

  1. The information on this website should not be considered a claim or a substitute for the advice of your healthcare practitioner. All text and images are intended for informational purposes only.
  2. Any order confirmation (electronic or paper receipt) given to you through does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of an offer to sell. reserves the right to refuse the processing or shipment of an order for any reason.